How it Works

1. Sign Up / Sign In
Sign Up/Sign In using your email or any of your social media accounts.

2. Subscribe to the best Plan that works for you
Whether you are a working professional, fresh graduate, entry-level employee, currently unemployed, entrepreneur or making a career change, CIB has the right mix of in-demand courses that your career needs.
Choose between any of the three options below:
Subscribe to any Free course access over eighty popular courses. Subscribe Now
Subscribe to one of our Premium Plans and have unlimited access to your chosen courses.
Subscribe to any of our popular and comprehensive Certificate Programs. Choose Now

3. Find the right course and enroll
Select a course under your plan and click on the “Start Course” button. All CIB courses are short, easy to understand, self-paced and specifically tailored for the workplace. Most courses have real-life case studies and videos that you will connect with. You have complete control of your study on CIB. You can take your courses from anywhere and at any time with any of your devices. You can start, pause and restart your study from wherever you stopped.

4. Pass the Assessments
There are assessments in between the modules or at the end of some courses. You can take the assessments whenever you choose. All assessments are multiple choice and you must score at least 80% to pass. If you score less than 80% in an assessment, you have unlimited attempts to retake the assessment anytime you want. Once you have passed all the assessments on your course, you are officially a CIB certificate holder!

5. Get Your Certificate
Upon completing a certificate program or a course in the premium plan, you will find a link to download your certificate. If you completed a course under the free plan and you wish to have proof of your achievement, you can order a pdf certificate and download it instantly.
You can preview a sample certificate here:

6. Step Out, Step Forward, Be Awesome
With your newly acquired skills and knowledge, a whole new world of opportunity is open to you. It is time to step out, step forward and put your education into action. Take on that new project, improve the way you work, apply for that job, change your career and start that business idea. CIB will give you a transformational learning experience. Don’t take our word for it. Read the testimonials below from some of our excited alumni. Join us…