Coaching and Mentoring Course

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Course Description

You are in your office look­ing over your per­for­mance report and it hap­pened again. Your low per­form­ing employee failed to meet quota this month even after you spoke with them about the impor­tance of meet­ing goals. This employee has a great atti­tude and you know they can do bet­ter. You just do not know how to moti­vate them to reach the goal. Money used to work, but that has worn off. You are baf­fled and you know being frus­trated makes mat­ters worse. What do you do?

The Coach­ing And Men­tor­ing course focuses on how to bet­ter coach your employ­ees to higher per­for­mance. Coach­ing is a process of rela­tion­ship build­ing and set­ting goals. How well you coach is related directly to how well you are able to fos­ter a great work­ing rela­tion­ship with your employ­ees through under­stand­ing them and strate­gic goal setting.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define coach­ing, men­tor­ing and the GROW model.
  • Iden­tify and set appro­pri­ate goals using the SMART tech­nique of goal setting.
  • Iden­tify the steps nec­es­sary in defin­ing the cur­rent state or real­ity of your employee’s situation.
  • Iden­tify the steps in devel­op­ing a final­ized plan or wrap­ping it up and get­ting your employee moti­vated to accom­plish those plans.
  • Iden­tify the ben­e­fits of build­ing and fos­ter­ing trust with your employee.
  • Iden­tify the steps in giv­ing effec­tive feed­back while main­tain­ing trust.
  • Iden­tify and over­com­ing com­mon obstacles.
  • Iden­tify when the coach­ing is at an end and tran­si­tion­ing your employee to other growth opportunities.
  • Iden­tify the dif­fer­ence between men­tor­ing and coaching.

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Defining Coaching and Mentoring
Module Three: Setting Goals
Module Four: Understanding the Realities
Module Five: Developing Options
Module Six: Wrapping it All Up
Module Seven: The Importance of Trust
Module Eight: Providing Feedback
Module Nine: Overcoming Roadblocks
Module Ten: Reaching the End
Module Eleven: How Mentoring Differs from Coaching
Module Twelve: Wrapping it Up

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